The jewel of our estates since 1999, Domaine de Longue Toque (47 hectares) was awarded organic certification in 2020 following a three-year transition. “After 20 years of responsible agricultural practices (Terra Vitis), we have switched all our practices to organic. We have learned to live with grass!” says vineyard manager Nicolas Speranza, with a smile, “which remains a real challenge in our climate. We plant and maintain the grass using labour-intensive, mechanical techniques. The grass that is able to withstand drought grows after the ground is tilled and this competes with the vine, which is sensitive to water stress. However, the mistral wind and dry conditions help protect the vines from fungal diseases, downy and powdery mildew: three sulphur and copper treatments are sufficient over the course of a year.”
The 11 hectares of new plots acquired for the Cairanne, Rasteau and Côtes du Rhône Villages AOPs are currently converting to organic.
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